Programs consist of teaching sessions and participant interaction on a specified topic that promotes growth in our walk with the Lord. Guests utilizing the Holly Cove facilities have the option to choose to participate in programming provided by Holly Cove or to arrange their own programming.
Holly Cove Provided Programming
Two-Day Retreat
The programs provided by Holly Cove are primarily structured for two day, weekend retreats; typically Friday evening to Saturday evening. This two day retreat schedule allows for four teaching sessions, one activity, and three meals.
Three-Day Retreat
Many of the programs are designed in two parts, so that the group may choose to use one part for a two day retreat or both parts for a three day retreat. This extended schedule will allow for six teaching sessions, Sunday morning worship, two activities, and six meals.
Week long stays with a spiritual focus, teaching sessions, and recreational activities.
Respite & Renewal Stays
Respite and renewal stays for pastors, ministers, and individuals.
Guest Provided Programming
Two-Day Retreat
Guests are welcome to supply or request programs and materials of their choice, as long as they do not pose a threat to Holly Cove mission objectives. A two day retreat schedule allows for four teaching sessions, one activity, and three meals.
Three-Day Retreat
Guests are welcome to supply or request programs and materials of their choice, as long as they do not pose a threat to Holly Cove mission objectives. A three day retreat schedule will allow for six teaching sessions, Sunday morning worship, two activities, and six meals.
Week long stays with a spiritual focus, teaching sessions, and recreational activities.
Respite & Renewal Stays
Respite and renewal stays for pastors, ministers, and individuals.
There is a wide range of activities available at Holly Cove. Activities are group projects that reinforce a spiritual lesson.
Some activities may include:
Prayer Walks - the campus has several trails that can be used by groups or individuals for prayer walks
"Igniting the Flame" Bonfire Devotionals
Solitude and Meditation Times - the campus offers multiple "points of solitude" for guests to spend time alone with God
Recreational Activities: Hiking, fishing, swimming, volley ball, etc.
Guests are welcome to plan activities appropriate for their group